Sunday, February 28, 2010

Tonight we try again...

My group of 10 adventurers will enter Icecrown Citadel, once more. We're hoping to be as successful as we were before. I've got some new gear so I feel more confident than ever. I'm testing some new shoulders but they have a little lower haste rating than the ones I wore last time we entered the Citadel. I guess we'll see how well they work for me.

If I have to sacrifice someone, I guess the warlock will have to go.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lord Jaraxxus Must Die!

Archmage Timear has foreseen a horrible event, which is about to transpire. A foolish gnome warlock is about to accidentally summon an Eredar lord of the Burning Legion into the middle of the Trial of the Crusader.

You must be there when it happens, Priest. If Lord Jaraxxus escapes, he will open a portal and the Burning Legion will spill forth into our world once more.

The Council of Six has decreed that Lord Jaraxxus must die!

And he did. But it took two attempts because one of the tanks decided that the worms could be tanked facing my raid group. Silly tank.

Monday, February 22, 2010

I was wrong. We were overpowered. And I let the warlock die anyway.
Tonight we enter the Crimson Quarter for the first time. Tension is high but we still feel exuberant abut the events of the last 24 hours. We can do this.

Except for the warlock. I think I'll let him die.

Icecrown Citadel

I did not have high hopes. My group of 10 adventurers had never defeated Professor Putricide. We had a few new members and I was worried.

Everything started off well. We've had trouble with Lord Marrowgar in the past but we bested him on our first attempt. My attitude started to change.

Next, we met Lady Deathwhisper. She has also given us trouble in the past but tonight we were on our game. She was downed on the first attempt.

The Gunship Battle has never been an issue and tonight proved to be the same.

Next up was Deathbringer Saurfang. We've been pretty lucky defeating him in the past. But tonight we were in a groove. We were able to kill him without one person getting a Mark.

Now, in the past, I usually dread trying to defeat Rotface and Festergut. I always feel like it is a waste of time and gold. We've been successful with Festergut but Rotface has alluded us all but once. Well, tonight that all changed. When we approached these two I did not feel that sense of dread. I even mentioned to my fellow adventurers that I thought we could "one-shot" them. And sure enough, we did. For the first time since our group was formed, we downed six bosses without the entire group dying. This was a first for us and nothing could stop us.

But even with our success, we now faced a boss we had only encountered once before. And that battle was less than successful to say the least.

Thankfully, this night, we had an experienced champion. He was able to guide us to victory after only three failed attempts. We defeated Professor Putricide. And we were proud.